Ah, now for the not so fun part. Even I get anxiety asking for this, but it is small compared to the anxiety of the unknown. It is a necessary evil, but a fast process if you cooperate with my procedure. All first-time friends must go through this before I agree to meet.
When filling out the form or emailing me to request a date, I will ask for your full name, business/occupation (and a Linkedin or other work page to verify), and any provider references within the last 6 months that you can share for me to contact (please get their permission beforehand to be contacted as a reference if possible). If you have an active P411 handle, you can send that to me as well for an easier screening process.
If you are brand new to the companionship world and don't have a business profile or references available to verify - or if they are all outdated, then I will additionally ask for you to send a copy of your identification (driver's license, passport, etc). I only need to see your full name and date of birth, everything else can be blurred/hidden. Please send this as an attachment to my email ( or to my phone number.
Once I am convinced that I can book you properly, we can initiate our date, and you won't even remember that you went through this in the first place!
(For public gatherings and events, you are free to request me to sign an NDA if it's within your concern.)
The times that I am available begin at 12 PM at noon and no later than 11 PM (unless I am at my other job. I'll inform you know beforehand if I'm free for a nighttime service). Please give me time to reach back to you if you make contact because my phone may be silenced/on vibrate due to schedule. I'm a low volume provider, and as such would prefer at least 12 hours between when you reach out to me and when you'd like me to entertain you - or 4 hours for same day occasions.